LS Tractor - the best choice for stable and barn work

Multifunctional LS Tractor for companies!

Working in a stable or barn requires equipment to have special characteristics. These are machines that work around animals that are very sensitive to loud noises, so it is worth paying attention to how loud the equipment works. It needs to perform many functions at the same time, such as mowing straw and underbrush, loading and transporting straw, hay and fodder, cleaning up and removing manure from stalls or irrigating from a barrel.
Functionality and quiet operation? – It has to be an LS Tractor in the barn with a range of compatible attachments.

Factors that affect the operation of LS Tractor in stable or barn:

When deciding to buy a tractor, it is important to consider its intended use. Depending on its application, you need to verify its various parameters and characteristics. Here are the most important elements of reliable machines from LS Tractor for work in barn or stable that you should consider:

What size tractor for stables?

Of course, the size of the tractor should be adjusted to the size of the stable or barn so that the machine can get inside and move freely there. Enclosed spaces have limited capacity, where the work of large tractors is impossible or inefficient. For this reason, small tractors of the mini-tractor series, such as the LS Tractor MT.1.25 or LS Tractor XJ 25, are particularly recommended. Due to their small size, they are called super-compact tractors. Their width, measuring about 1.20 meters, will allow them to pass even through narrow doorways.
If the space is large, you can confidently bet on a larger machine like the LS Tractor MT3.35 or LS Tractor MT.3.40 – then the productivity is increased.
Due to the size and ease of movement in covered areas, tractors without cabs, but equipped with a ROPS operator arm and seat belts to guarantee protection of the machine user, will be a better option.

Low operating costs

Premium LS brand tractors, thanks to their powerful engines, have low combustion rates and are therefore very economical.
The LS XJ25 tractor is a tractor with a Mitsubishi 3-cylinder diesel engine with 24.4 horsepower. It has a category one three-point rear three-point linkage with a lifting capacity of 650 kg and intuitively placed levers.
The LS Tractor MT1.25, on the other hand, is a 24.7 hp Yanmar 3-cylinder diesel engine tractor with a category one three-point hitch with a lift capacity of about 450 kg. The tractor has a gear reducer that allows the tractor to run at two different speeds both forward and reverse.
The larger LS Series MT3 tractors, on the other hand, are equipped with a liquid-cooled 3-cylinder DIESLA LS Mtron engine with power outputs depending on the model: 35 hp, 40 hp, 47 hp or 57 hp. They are extremely efficient and powerful machines for any terrain.

Small turning radius

An important factor in confined areas is the turning radius. This is another aspect that argues that small machines are better suited for stable work. The smaller the machine, the smaller the turning radius as well. The small turning radius of LS tractors makes the machine nimble and maneuverable through narrow spaces and between rows, maintaining traction and thus keeping you safe while working. You can turn back to the next alley without unnecessary maneuvering.
The turning radius on the smaller machines, the LS Tractor XJ 25 and LS Tractor MT 1.25, is 2200 and 2400mm, respectively.
On the other hand, the turning radius on the MT3 series tractors is 2800 to 2890mm (depending on the specific model).

Power steering

All LS tractor models are equipped with power steering. When the driver starts turning the steering wheel, the control electronics receive a signal to activate the power steering. This makes handling and maneuvering simple and safe. The ease of turning is noticeable even with a fully packed front loader.

Mechanical or hydrostatic transmission?

LS tractors offer two types of transmission: mechanical and hydrostatic.
The mechanical transmission (MECH) allows you to change the direction of travel with a single movement of the lever, located next to the steering wheel. For some users, the most important advantage will be the fact that the gearbox is synchronized, so you can forget about the difficulty of shifting in and out of gears.
However, for activities that are performed in stables or barns, manufacturers recommend a hydrostatic transmission (HDR) because of the efficient operation of the machine with two pedals: forward and reverse – even in very small areas. This affects the efficiency and comfort of the operator. Specially developed hydrostatic transmission technology significantly reduces fuel consumption and shows a significantly longer service life. It is simple and reliable, which makes it the most popular choice.

Quiet and eco-friendly operation!

Thanks to the use of patented technology, reducing noise and vibration, driving LS tractors is extremely quiet, which not only affects the comfort of the driver, but is also of considerable importance when working in stables, where animals sensitive to loud noises are nearby.
Not only that! LS Tractor has tract models with DPF particulate filters, which are particularly important because they eliminate emissions of particles that are harmful to humans and animals

Exceptional design

LS Tractor pays attention to detail, both when it comes to the quality of workmanship inside and outside the machines. That’s why the beautiful design and special attention to detail is what sets the brand apart. An additional advantage is the flat floor, which makes it easier to get into the tractor.

Multifunctionality of LS Tractor in the barn and stable

LS Tractor + loader

The function of transporting feed or straw, as well as cleaning stalls and manure, is fulfilled by a front loader, the so-called TUR, attached to an LS tractor. Thanks to its very sturdy construction and well-thought-out design, it is able to carry much more weight than other tractors of similar size and power. The LS front loader is equipped with a safety valve, which in case of overloading the loader does not allow higher load lifts.

  • LL2101 loader – is the original standard front loader dedicated to LS Tractor XJ 25 with a lifting capacity of 500 kg.
  • LL1100 loader – is the original front loader dedicated to LS Tractor MT 1.25 with a lifting capacity of 527 kg.

LS Tractor + trailer

Universal farm trailer is a basic and essential farm tool used for any type of work. Thanks to the mobility of LS Tractors with a wide range of trailers, whether single-axle with a maximum payload of 1.5 tons or two-axle with a payload of 2.5 tons, LS Tractors will be helpful when transporting crops.

LS Tractor + mower

In stables, LS tractors with an attached mower have their function. A flail mower, called a mulcher, will work well for mowing under-mowed areas, as it mulches any residue by shredding it. It is called a mower for “special tasks” because it can handle any challenge. On the other hand, rotary mowers are recommended for mowing straw or making hay.

LS Tractor + leveler

With an LS Tractor and a leveler, also known as a paddock grader, soft equestrian surfaces can be leveled. With this combination, the leveled surface becomes perfectly smooth.

LS Tractor + barrel truck

For large ornamental areas that require regular irrigation, the solution is to combine the LS Tractor with a barrel truck. With this combination, you can quickly, efficiently and effectively get water to the animals, for example.

LS Tractor + sweeper

LS tractors can perform the function of sweeping, as we have a sweeper in the corresponding size for each tractor. The sweeper is attached to the tractor via a Category I and II rear three-point linkage. It is driven hydraulically or via a power take-off shaft (PTO). The cleaning mechanism is a roller, driven by power transmitted from the tractor.

5-year warranty from LS Tractor

The purchase of LS Tractor for barn, equipment comes with a 5-year warranty and subsequent service. In case of failure or any problems, our experienced specialists will assist you. All this for the peace of mind and safety of our customers.

Models created for work in the stable and barn work

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