LS Tractor is revolutionising agriculture at Opolagra 2024


LS Tractor is revolutionising agriculture at Opolagra 2024

On 7-9 June, during the Opolagra 2024 fair, we had the opportunity to witness LS Tractor presenting its latest solutions and models. LS Tractor is revolutionising sustainable agriculture with its technological solutions. Here’s what was happening at the C50 stand!

Opolagra 2024 and LS Tractor – a meeting full of new opportunities

The Opolagra fair in Kamień Śląski is one of the key events in the calendar of every farmer and enthusiast of modern agricultural technology in Poland. Every year it attracts thousands of enthusiasts of modern agricultural technologies.
This year, one of the biggest draws for visitors was the presentation by LS Tractor, which not only showed its latest tractors, but also demonstrated how technology can support sustainable agriculture. The show brought together a wide range of both exhibitors and visitors, and LS Tractor’s C50 stand was one of the brightest points of the show.

What happened at the LS Tractor stand during this year’s Opolagra fair?

At this year’s Opolagra agricultural fair, LS Tractor presented its latest models equipped with modern technology. We are talking about the LS Tractor MT7.101.
In addition to the latest models, we showed the entire LS Tractor MT3 series with additional attachments. This also included the LS MT3.60 model, which is particularly popular with our customers, with the AT1 precision steering system from FJ Dynamics and the TUR LS front loader.
And, of course, there was also our iconic super-compact LS Tractor XJ25 and LS Tractor MT1.25, complete with LS brand excavator, mower and front loader.
LS Tractor experts demonstrated the machines’ capabilities while answering any questions from those interested. It was a great time and we thank all our visitors for their keen interest.

Modernity and innovation at your fingertips

LS Tractor, known for its love of innovation, as visitors admitted – did not disappoint expectations. The tractor models on display were distinguished by their modern design and high-tech solutions that respond to the growing demands of modern agriculture. In particular, there was interest in the LS Tractor model with the latest GPS navigation system and automatic steering system, which allows precise guidance of the machine without direct operator involvement.

Live demonstrations of LS Tractor machines at the Opolagra agricultural fair

One of the most anticipated highlights of the fair was the live demonstrations by LS Tractor experts. Visitors had the opportunity to see how modern LS tractors work in practice – from precision sowing and crop care to efficient harvesting. LS Tractor demonstrated how the tractors can work in tandem with all sorts of agricultural implements, significantly increasing their versatility. The demonstrations not only introduced farmers to the capabilities of the equipment, but also allowed them to ask questions and exchange experiences directly with the manufacturer.

A large dose of knowledge and new solutions from LS Tractor

LS Tractor’s offer throughout Opolagra 2024 was aimed at current and future tractor users. Our experts shared knowledge with visitors on managing modern agricultural equipment, optimising fuel consumption and strategies for minimising the environmental impact of work.
The company’s stand was a hub of technological expertise, where farmers were able to get an up-close look at advanced solutions that help not only increase productivity but also care for the environment. These educational sessions attracted many farmers interested not only in buying, but also in using tractors effectively on their farms.

LS Tractor = knowledge, commitment, professionalism

Our experts were on hand to assist throughout the meeting, answering numerous questions from visitors and discussing in detail the technical specifications of the models on display. This approach allowed visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the range of products on offer and to tailor the tractor to their individual farm needs.

LS Tractor – the technological leader in the industry – Opolagra 2024

The Opolagra trade fair was an excellent opportunity to present its products in direct contact with customers and business partners. LS Tractor’s visit to the Opolagra fair in Kamień Śląski was not only a demonstration of the strength and innovation of the brand, but also a confirmation that modern technologies can go hand in hand with traditional agriculture. For many farmers, it was also an opportunity to gain valuable information that will help them make better decisions about managing their farms in the future.