LS Tractor is number 1 among Korean tractors in Poland!!


LS Tractor is number 1 among Korean tractors in Poland!!

According to the latest CEPiK report on the sales of agricultural tractors in Poland, LS Tractorhas become number 1 among Korean manufacturers, gaining recognition and trust among farmers in Poland. Analysis of data from May 2024 shows that LS Tractor has recorded an impressive increase in the number of registrations of new tractors, which proves its growing popularity and the effectiveness of adapting products to market requirements.

Significant increase in registration and market share

Data shows that LS Tractorhas registered a marked increase in registrations, reaching 29 units in May 2023, an increase of 65.5% compared to May 2024, where 48 units were registered. Such growth confirms not only the growing interest in the brand, but also the effectiveness of the innovations introduced and the adaptation of the offer to market needs.

LS Tractor – innovation and reliability

LS Tractor consistently introduces technological innovations that not only increase the efficiency of machines, but also contribute to better management of natural resources and minimizing the negative impact of agriculture on the environment. LS Tractor tractors are equipped with advanced systems that enable optimization of fuel consumption and reduction of exhaust emissions, which is crucial for sustainable development.

Domination of LS Tractor on the Polish market

LS Tractor‘s dominant position on the Polish agricultural tractor market results from the constant pursuit of perfection and a deep understanding of local needs and requirements of farmers. Thanks to an extensive network of dealers and services, LS Tractor not only provides access to the latest technologies, but also offers professional technical and after-sales support, which is necessary to ensure continuity of work on farms.

Strengthening market position

LS Tractor effectively strengthens its position on the Polish market by offering products that represent the highest level of innovation, reliability and sustainable development. More and more Polish farmers choose tractors of this Korean brand, appreciating their efficiency and adaptation to specific working conditions.


LS Tractor continues its mission of providingthe highest quality solutions supporting Polish farmers in their daily, difficult work, confirming its commitment to the development of sustainable agriculture in Poland.