LS tractor in blueberry plantation


LS tractor in blueberry plantation

Blueberry has found its place among the most popular fruits eaten by Poles. Therefore, we are not surprised by the growing number of plantations of this delicacy. Some create it only for their own use, others sell it at fairs or to larger stores. However, its cultivation is not so simple and obvious. You need some knowledge and reliable equipment that will greatly facilitate the work. We are talking here, of course, about the LS tractor.

Let’s get to know each other better

Blueberry, as the name suggests, comes from across the ocean, specifically from North America. It grows best in moist, moderately acidic conditions in wind-sheltered areas. In Poland, blueberries began to be cultivated in the second half of the 20th century, when it began to be imported on a larger scale. The first Polish variety was registered in 2004.

The American blueberry is also called the American blueberry or highbush blueberry because its bush belongs to the heather family. Unpruned, it can grow over 2 meters. Its leaves are medium-sized, entire and elliptical. At first, unsightly greenish flowers turn into clusters of fruit. It blooms in April and May.

Blueberry fruits are berries that reach a diameter of 1 to 3 cm. They have a dark blue skin with a wax coating that forms a protective layer. Blueberry berries contain sugars, mineral salts and vitamins A, B6, C, E, K and many others. For this reason, they are considered healthy and worth eating fruits.

Blueberries are ready for harvest from mid-July to early September, depending on the species. So it is worth planting several parents to be able to enjoy them for a long time.

Proper cultivation, which will be helped by the LS tractor

Blueberries should be planted in a sunny area sheltered from the wind. However, let’s avoid places where water accumulates, because although plants need it for proper growth, a large amount is not recommended. Soil selection is also important. It must be acidic, light and permeable. It is good that it has humus and nutrients. Otherwise, all this must be provided in the form of fertilizers. An LS tractor can be useful for transporting them, which, equipped with additional equipment, will be perfect for this task.

Time to pick fruit

There is no one fixed date for the blueberry harvest. It all depends on climatic conditions, soil and even pruning. However, it is most common in July and August. Remember that regularity is important after the first harvest. Repeat this once a week or more often if necessary. Keeping the fruit on the vine causes them to lose their flavor properties and deteriorate faster. On the other hand, if you want to pick a blueberry for transport, it should be done a few days before reaching full maturity, so that it is perfectly delicious and delivered to the customer.

LS tractor with blueberry plantation

If you are looking for the right tractor that meets your requirements, bet on Traktor LS XJ25 MEC, which has:

  • 4×4 drive,
  • mechanical gearbox,
  • Mitsubishi S3L engine with a propulsive power of 24.4 HP.

This easy-to-operate LS tractor will certainly prove useful both in the blueberry plantation and for everyday work in the garden.