LS Tractor – how to take care of its good condition?


LS Tractor – how to take care of its good condition?

Running a farm is a very difficult and responsible task. In order for it to function properly, various types of machines are needed for everyday work, including the LS tractor, trailers, plows and seed drills. To a large extent, the efficiency and productivity of agricultural production depends on this equipment. Therefore, you should take care of the best technical condition of these machines. You will learn how to do it in our article.

LS Tractor Periodic Inspection

Regular inspection of the technical condition of both the LS tractor and other agricultural machines is the basis for proper operation. You must be wondering why? Because it allows you to detect an irregularity in time, which over time could become a more serious fault and failure. During the inspection, all parts of the machine are scrupulously checked and, if necessary, they are replaced with new ones. If you know your equipment, you can check it yourself, but once in a while it is worth giving the machine to a professional to check that everything works smoothly and without any complaints. Such inconspicuously trivial actions guarantee that the LS tractor will not let you down when you need it the most, e.g. during the harvest season. Every day of delay caused by breakdowns means big financial losses for the farm, which cannot be allowed.

What’s more, constant monitoring allows you to find and replace worn components before they become the source of a larger failure. This in turn results in much lower repair costs.

The machine is not indestructible

Just as a person can overwork and get a heart attack, LS tractors can be destroyed if they are not properly operated. Agricultural machines, although they are adapted to work in difficult conditions, are not indestructible. Using them contrary to their intended purpose may not immediately, but over time will lead to damage. The same applies to performing work, e.g. in the summer during the harvest for too long. A machine, just like a human, has the right to rest and you have to remember about it so as not to break it.

Change of filters and oil

Many agricultural machines need oil to function properly, which lubricates the moving parts of the machines, thus minimizing friction and the risk of failure. Although LS tractors have filters, the oil will become contaminated over time. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly change the oil, filters and other operating fluids so that the machines can serve safely for a long time.

Correct storage

On farms, many machines are used only at certain times of the year. Store them properly for the rest of the time. So make sure that the LS tractor stands under a roof, on hard, dry and stable ground. All this will protect the machine from contact with moisture, which leads to corrosion of metal parts. Also remember to check the technical condition of the LS tractor both before and after wintering.

LS Traktor – with us you will find your machine

Do you run a large farm or do you need equipment to work in the garden? Or maybe you have a municipal company? Regardless of this, in LS Traktor you will find a machine that meets all your requirements – from the small LS XJ25 tractor to the large LS MT3.60 tractor. Familiarize yourself with our full offer and choose the LS tractor you’ve always dreamed of.