LS Tractor at the 18th Autumn Horticultural Fair in Boguchwala


LS Tractor at the 18th Autumn Horticultural Fair in Boguchwala

LS Tractor at the 18th Autumn Horticultural Fair in Boguchwala

On Sunday, October 8, 2023, the second part of the 18th Autumn Horticultural Fair, combined with the Podkarpackie Wine Harvest Festival and the 7th National Rabbit Exhibition, took place at the Podkarpacki Agricultural Advisory Center in Boguchwala near Rzeszow. The event was an excellent opportunity to promote Podkarpackie farmers, fruit and wine growers, rabbit breeders, as well as processing plants and all agricultural institutions that contribute to the development of Podkarpackie agriculture on a daily basis.

At the fair, you could see many attractions, such as a falconry show, attractions for children, a badminton tournament or exhibitions of farm animals. The LS Tractor station was one of the most popular among the exhibitors, as it presented various models and functions that suited different needs and preferences of farmers. One of the most popular tractor models was the XJ25 from LS Tractor, this model was very liked by the visitors because of its efficiency, reliability and driving comfort.

fair birds eye view

The horticultural fair was therefore not only a great place to establish business contacts and exchange experiences among the participants of the agricultural industry, but also to admire the beauty of nature and culture of Podkarpackie. It was also an opportunity to get acquainted with the latest trends and technological solutions in the field of agriculture. The horticultural fair was therefore an unforgettable event for all lovers of agriculture.

The Podkarpacki Agricultural Advisory Center in Boguchwala is the organizer of agricultural fairs and exhibitions, for which a well-prepared area is essential. That’s why we offered them a unique set of tractors and selected accessories for such important work.

LS machines cutting grass for the fair