CrossFit Rzeszów 2.0 and LS Tractor event


CrossFit Rzeszów 2.0 and LS Tractor event

Crossfit is a form of physical training that combines aerobic, anaerobic and strength elements. It involves performing various exercises in short sessions (from 10 to 60 minutes), using your own body weight or additional load. Crossfit has many benefits for health and physical fitness, such as improving cardiovascular and respiratory function, increasing muscle strength and coordination.

The crossfit event organized by the company LS Tractor aimed to promote its products and integrate its employees and customers. The event took place on September 16 at the CrossFit Rzeszów 2.0 facility. There were many interested people there, including representatives of the company LS Tractor, business partners, media and sports fans.


CrossFit Rzeszów 2.0 and LS Tractor

At the event, one could admire various disciplines of crossfit, such as pulling tractors, riding on echo bike, hanging on a barbell for time or lifting a barbell. Each participant had the opportunity to show their skills and earn points for completed tasks. After the training, organizers prepared prizes for the best players as well as contests for the whole group.

The crossfit event was not only an attractive way to spend time and improve physical form, but also an opportunity to make new contacts and exchange experiences. The organizers wanted to show their passion for sport and take care of their employees and customers health.